Friday, 20 March 2015

Chamber Manufacturing Forum visit

Thanks to Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce for organising a Manufacturing Forum visit to check out NULC's fantastic facilities.

Guests from companies such as Orbital Gas Systems, Dunelm Supplies, Steelite and JWA Components heard how NULC offers training, qualifications, apprenticeships and recruitment to employers. The companies visited our engineering laboratory to see the 3D laser printer and laser cutter in action and our £6 million Skills and Technology Centre to see engineering students operating milling machines and lathes and apprentices training on our virtual welding machine.

Naomi Ledgar of Orbital Gas Systems whose company works with NULC to train its apprentices said: "Future talent is always hard to recruit. We have great communications with the college and our apprentices come out the other end with real skills and real experience. They are the people who will take the company forward in the future."

For further information please click on the links for courses or our support for employers.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce for organising a Manufacturing Forum visit to check out NULC's fantastic equipment
